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Trusted Surgeon

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Choose a Trustworthy

Plastic surgery involves many choices, the first and most important thing is to select the surgeon you trust.

Choosing an SBCP member surgeon ensures that you have selected a doctor who:

  • He completed at least five years of training in surgery, three of which were in plastic surgery.
  • He is trained to perform all types of plastic surgery.
  • It is subject to a strict code of ethics.
  • Only operates in accredited medical facilities.

SBCP member surgeons are your partners in plastic surgery, whether reconstructive or cosmetic.

In addition to the doctor's certification, look for the affiliations of the surgeon you will choose. The SBCP membership category places the surgeon within the elite of plastic surgery.

SBCP promotes continuing education focused on patient care and the search for patient safety. The society also offers patients the possibility of meeting the only professionals qualified to perform their plastic surgery.

Choosing a qualified surgeon is a first step in ensuring that the surgery can meet your expectations.


Initial modality for doctors who decide to participate in this illustrious society with more than 60 years of tradition.

• Doctors, Residents or Postgraduate students admitted to an SBCP Accredited Service.


For those completing residency and postgraduate studies, already aspiring members and who have proven their knowledge through an exam administered by SPCP

• Aspiring members, who pass an exam to obtain the SBCP/AMB Specialist Title, with qualification and registration with the Regional Council of Medicine.

• Doctors with a residency in plastic surgery who practice the specialty, are registered in Plastic Surgery with the CRM and want to join the SBCP. They must pass the exam to obtain the title.


A higher degree within SBCP, where you already have some experience within the class.

• Be an Associate with at least 2 (two) years of passing the SBCP exam, remaining in the category.

• Obtain approval in scientific work or equivalent, in a specific exam, formulated and applied by SBCP.


Category for foreigners who wish to belong to SBCP.

• Professionals with an unblemished reputation, residing abroad, admitted by the SBCP Deliberative Council.

• Upon proposal presented by the members of the National Board, or by 05 (five) Full Members.

• The candidate for Corresponding Member must also prove, through documentation provided by an official medical entity in the place where he carries out his activities, his ethical and professional stance, as well as present scientific work during the National Congress, in accordance with the rules published by the Department of Scientific Events (DEC).